
【名家給力場 - 2020年3月18日】 付費會員獨家

【名家給力場】疫情第二波 重災區轉至歐美




【漁民系列】還有誰可以獨善其身嗎? 付費會員獨家

US Equities down another 10% last night, even after Fed’s massive liquidity injection. I understand the snow slide is due to massive deleveraging. We have seen this in year 2008; but today, the low interest rates globally with massive money printed in the last decade inflated the whole world’s leveraging even worse. Thus the sell-off pressure in US Equities when the mkt is forced to deleverage as Equities price no longer holds. The sell-off pressure has infected the liquidity (like the Covid virus), across all asset classes, including the most liquid asset: US cash Treasuries. This has NEVER happened in modern financial history in my limited memory.

【漁民系列】Has the US Equities Market formed a bottom?

Thanks all for the support on my article pre-Asia opened on March 9th , alerting volatilities in the Equities Mkt. We saw the first capitulation day that evening in US with the 2000 points drop in Dow Jones Index. With the expected fiscal stimulus (0% payroll tax this year) and Fed’s added liquidity, the mkt had a strong rebound of 1100 points in DJI last night. My Whatsapp this morning is blown with friends’ question: “Have we seen the US Equities bottom?”

【名家給力場 - 2020年3月4日】


【漁民系列】口罩股唔好炒錯 付費會員獨家

過去兩周,相信各位師兄師姐都經歷咗「一罩難求」的香江歲月,連2003年沙士都未試過咁誇張。今次武漢肺炎疫情真係唔講得笑,惹到幾乎全世界都係,港股勁瀉唔在講,連美股都插埋一份,所以無論健康抑或投資,大家都請做好風險管理。如果各位有跟船長做tail hedge,加埋A、B餐頂住,應有望力保不失甚至有賺,個股方面亦宜訂好止蝕,留得青山在。我諗無論香港或中國大陸,好多人都會匿喺屋企煮丁麵食,免得過唔會出街,費事無啦啦中招。

【名家給力場 - 2020年2月5日】





關於做淡的問題 (更新版)
