

 1. 2020年初爆發的新冠疫情是一個尾部事件。股市在疫情開始時迅速下跌,因為投資者擔心疫情將對全球經濟帶來嚴重影響。
 2. 2008年的金融危機也是一個尾部事件。它的發生可能性被低估了,導致市場崩潰。許多金融機構倒閉,股市也崩盤。這個事件後來成為了市場上一個非常重要的教訓,讓投資者更加重視尾部風險。
 3. 道瓊斯指數的單日下跌也是一個尾部事件。例如,1987年的黑色星期一,道瓊斯指數一天內下跌了22.6%。這種劇烈的波動是相當罕見的,但卻對投資者產生了極大的影響。
In investing/trading, the term "tail" refers to the extreme ends of a probability distribution. It represents the low-probability outcomes that are unlikely to occur, but can have significant impacts on investment returns if they do.
For example, a "fat tail" refers to a probability distribution where the probability of extreme events is higher than what would be expected from a normal distribution. This means that extreme events are more likely to occur, and investors should be prepared for these rare but potentially significant events.
Tail risk is the risk of losses due to extreme events in the tail of the distribution. Investors use tail risk measures to evaluate the probability and potential impact of these events on their investments. By assessing tail risk, investors can implement risk management strategies to mitigate the potential impact of these events on their portfolios.
Here are some research paper references on tail risk published by prestigious publications:
 1. "Tail Risk and Asset Prices" by Tobias Adrian and Markus K. Brunnermeier, published in The Review of Financial Studies in 2016.
 2. "Tail Risk in Hedge Funds: A Unique View from Portfolio Holdings" by Vikas Agarwal, Stefan Ruenzi, and Florian Weigert, published in The Review of Financial Studies in 2017.
 3. "Global Tail Risk and Expected Equity Returns" by Lubos Pastor and Robert F. Stambaugh, published in The Journal of Finance in 2012.
 4. "Dynamic Tail Risk Premia and the Forecasting Performance of Option-Based Indicators" by Tim Bollerslev, Viktor Todorov, and Lai Xu, published in The Journal of Econometrics in 2018.
 5. "Tail Risk and the Limits of Diversification" by Nick Baltas and Robert Kosowski, published in The Journal of Portfolio Management in 2016.
These research papers provide valuable insights into tail risk and its impact on investment returns. They have been published in highly regarded finance and economics journals, indicating their significance in the field of finance.



最後更新: 2023-02-21